Power Gears took some time to take the best our kettlebell.sk mobile app had to offer and finally is bringing you a whole new sign-in app.
The biggest new thing in comparism to our previous app is the ability to sign to both our CrossFit boxes - CrossFit Pressburg and CrossFit Nitra. We are the only ones in the whole czechoslovak region who are giving their awesome trainees such a user friendly way to manage their activities in their box.
And it is so much more then just a sing-in app, PG Box is giving you:
- the ability to sign in to a class in your brother box, should you happen to be around,
- Strength program - training log for our strength classes,
- membership card’s new features - now you have the ability to charge your account by paying for future classes and make your account to an entry-membership, the app lets you know how many classes you still have going or, how long your month - membership is active.
- further more, we value very much that you respect our system, so we came up with the idea to start a benefit system, the app rewards you for respecting its dos and donts, how cool is that? Your reward will wait for you in person at your box.
As you can see, it’s super important for us to constantly progress and we definitely won’t stop doing so, so stay tuned and make sure to check out the updates!